
by Alpha Codes s.r.o.


6.58 usd

The Spiritka app is your app. A spiritual application for you. For each of you. Its advantageis uniqueness, simplicity, clarity and brevity. You can find your way around it very quickly and easily,you settle and domesticate. You get along with her. It will be yours. And thats exactly the point. About understanding, rapprochement and harmony.Alignment with yourself, merging with nature, the infinite universe.From the moment you install Spiritka, it will be with you every day for an entire year. Visually it isdeliberately developed so that it does not distract your attention and you can focus only on your mind.You choose its colorful background and the time of regular smart reminders. It will motivate you, inspire you,inform and compel to do something. You will both love and hate her. The path to your own SELF is not always easy.In the app you will find a list of full moons and new moons with information about what happens in each periodto expect and recommendations for what to do. Each of us is an explorer and longs to find something new. Sometimesall you have to do is uncover what is hidden inside us, connect to your spirit. Someone can help you with thatof 24 Kind Rituals. The app has detailed instructions on how to do this.Every day from Monday to Saturday, Spiritka always has one strengthening affirmation ready for you.On Sunday, affirmation is replaced by self-reflection, one question. You answer. Quite true. Thats itits you!Spiritka will be with you all year round. Spring, summer, autumn, winter - four seasons. Four different onesfaces of Mother Earth as well as four Challenges for you, four Paths - to clear energy, to find balance andpeace, for a new ME and to (self) love. Each challenge, like the Spiritka app, is focused a littleotherwise, but still they are all connected by the ray of the sun and the moon. A ray of life. With a beamof love. A ray of growth. A ray of joy. A ray of truth. A ray of peace.Dont be afraid to take a step into the future unknown! Let me serve you!Your application Spiritka, Spirituální holká and the company Alpha Codes s.r.o.